Legal Notice


Tanja Lau & Arjanna van der Plas
Ischlag 13
3303 Jegenstorf

Picture & Audio Credits

We would like to credit Erna Drion for Arjanna’s picture and Marko Topa for the beautiful jingle we used for this podcast. Here you can find more of his work.

The information and contents of this website have been carefully compiled, but we cannot accept any liability for the correctness, completeness or up-to-dateness of the data contained on your website and excludes any liability or claims for damages in connection with the contents or use of this website.

Disclaimer for external links
We are not responsible for the content of external sites linked from this site. They are the exclusive responsibility of their operators. If you activate links, you may leave this website. The latter has not checked the content of the linked website and can therefore accept no liability whatsoever for its content, the products and services offered therein.

Website Availability
We will use our best efforts to keep the website available at all times, yet users shall not have a claim to such website availability.

The content of this website is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The use of all contents – even in extracts – is not permitted without the express written permission of Tanja Lau and Arjanna van der Plas.