This episode is an intimate conversation between Abi Afolabi and Arjanna. Whereas Abi grew up in a Christian household, Arjanna grew up without any form of religion. We explore how you deal with fear with or without God in your life and how Abi’s relationship with God changed drastically as she moved from Nigeria to Switzerland.

Abi talks about gratitude and tells us how she managed to carve out up to two hours per day for her morning ritual – yes, even mothers can do that 🙂

About Abi

Abi is a Christian, a wife, a mother and an entrepreneur. 

Growing up in a Christian household in Lagos, Nigeria, Christianity was always in the backdrop of her life, but moving to Switzerland away from the family religious safety blanket led her to lose the faith she grew up with, so that she could discover her own faith in Jesus. 

In investing time daily in her relationship with God (through prayer, worship and reading her Bible), she’s come to discover the love of God in a deeply personal way, that informs the way she sees and moves through the world and counts it as the most important part of her life. 

She has realized through this ongoing journey that though she grew up with Christianity, it was only an introduction and that no one can lean on inherited faith or the faith of others, rather they need to claim their own faith and live it out. And this is what she tries to do: to live out her faith and grow daily in her love for her God and for people.


  • Instagram: @abiscupcakery